📖Critical Stage of Crops📖
💠Rice/Paddy — Tillering, Panicle Initiation, Heading and Flowering.
💠Wheat — Crown Root Initiation, Tillering to Booting
💠Sorghum — Booting, Blooming and Milky Dough Stage
💠Maize — Silking and Tasseling to Dough Stage.
💠Pearl millet — Heading and Flowering
💠Finger millet — Primordial Initiation and Flowering
💠Chickpea — Late Vegetative Phage
💠Black gram — Flowering and Pod Setting
💠Green gram —Flowering and Pod Setting.
💠Beans — Flowering and Pod Setting
💠Peas — Flowering and Early Pod Formation
💠Alfalfa — After Cutting and Flowering
💠Ground nut —Flowering, Peg Formation and Pod Development
💠Sesame — Blooming to Maturity
💠Sunflower — Pre-flowering to Post-flowering
💠Soybean — Blooming and Seed Formation
💠Onion — Bulb Formation and Pre-maturity
💠Tomato — Flowering and Fruit Setting
💠Chilies — Flowering and Fruit Setting
💠Cabbage — Head Formation
💠Potato — Tuber Initiation to Maturity
💠Carrot — Root Enlargement
💠Cotton — Flowering and Boll Formation
💠Citrus —Flowering, Fruit Setting and Fruit Enlargement
💠Mango - Pre-flowering and Fruit Setting.